

Friday, May 18, 2012

Resist the Thought - Sovereignty (2012)

 Resist the Thought
Album:  Sovereignty
Genre:  Deathcore/Metalcore

Track Listing:
1. Legion
2. Pledge of Aversion
3. Extermination
4. Impending Infiltration
5. Resurrect the Reaper
6. Sermon of the Damned
7. Warbound
8. Sovereignty
9. A Plague, Reborn

Preview:  “Legion”

Hmmmm…first blog with an CD quality version?  I think so.  Either way…I’ll just leave this here.  Don’t be a cheap asshole.  Drop a couple bucks to support the scene and buy this album, or even just a couple songs, from the titans of Australian deathcore/metalcore.


  1. Catchy?? lol
    Catchy is for some pop-rock girl band! lol
    Who the fuck calls deathcore/metalcore 'catchy'?

  2. fist blog with cd quality? neg. i bought it yesterday in stores and ripped it for my own. its not bad, but definitely not as good as Damnation

    1. I agree. Every song sounds the same.'s not horrible, but really kinda boring after the first listen or two.

      Won't be coming anywhere near my album of the year list.-josh

    2. Anyways, I said I thought we were te first blog with it. I didn't find one, so whatever

  3. ohh that's a catchy comment xD

  4. Then call it 'melodic deathcore' retard!
    Catchy sounds wayyy too gay and shouldn't be attempted to be used as description for metal!! Period!

  5. hehe catchy a cold?
    are you getting catchy? ^^
    don't catchy a chill now ok?
    brutal catchy? lololol

  6. dipshits? catchy? my my!
    Must be from Montana or some ill-begotten place like that XD

  7. I'm gonna catchy a cab to a real good brutal metal catchy band!! XD

  8. Really boring. As it was said above, after the first, and definitely the second listen you can hear all the songs sound the same.


  9. Settle down!
    Don't get your streaked panties in a knot!
    Just because their new album is a bit boring doesn't mean it's the end of the world for them.
    They had 2 years to come up with a real good album but instead they put out one that's so repetitive!

  10. When you have done what RTT have done then you're eligible to talk. Also, why are you whining over what genre it is. Music is music, nobody gives a shit if you think they are melodic deathcore or potato splatter metalcordial. You just make yourself sound needy by trying to correct a pointless thing.. Just saying, not trying to cause hate but it's true. you need a grip on yourself!

  11. There is SOOOOOO much butthurt on this thread, lol

    All the songs on the album sound the same, and that's all there is to it. It's BORING.

    1. @AnonymousMay 19, 2012 12:31 PM
      you have chocolate turtles in your bum :)

    2. lolz @ all these comeents (:

  12. You talk about repetitive but then people hate on resist the thought, but seem to love meshuggah, which is the most repetitive band in all existence. GO FIGURE

  13. meshuggah??
    how they get pulled into this thread?
    stay on topic bum crumb :)

  14. meshuggah??
    how they get pulled into this thread?
    stay on topic bum crumb :)


Rule number 1: Don't piss and moan.